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All “good things” must come to an end. Which is fine when they are being replaced with something way better!  Over the last few weeks, we’ve been telling you that we’re adding another tool to our tool kit for you. It’s another step in our big hairy audacious goal to revolutionize aging services.  You told us that…

Please don’t tell me you are the only person on this Earth who hasn’t heard of “tidying up”! Marie Kondo, an organizing expert, is revolutionizing how we think about the items in our life. She started with a New York Times bestseller and now a Netflix series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. What she has to say is taking the…

Often, the momentum of a New Year fizzles out amidst the busy first weeks of the year.  To keep that from happening, I recently gave some thought to three questions with our team here at Drive. (If you want to do the same with your team, the questions we used are at the end of…

Love is in the air.  That is our love for our work, and our love of you, our readers. We hope you and your employees love your work as much as we do.  Having a sense of purpose and a reason to get out of bed each day is so important.  This year for valentine’s…

Now is the perfect time to check in on your progress for your 2019 goals and to review your data measures.  You’ll want to sit down with your task force to discuss progress made towards milestone goals and flag priority items for moving forward.  While not necessary every month, review your entire strategy to make…

Chances are staffing shortages are impacting your organization.  If you’ve never had a chance to stop and calculate what these things are costing you, you might want to do that!  And something tells me you are going to be shocked when you add it up!  Just don’t fall out of your chair when you do. …

Happy New Year! And happy data tracking in 2019.  If you’re committed to making improvements then you must be committed to tracking your data.  Annual turnover. Early turnover. Engagement scores. Referrals.    Whatever metrics you choose be committed to following through and achieving those desired results.  I recommend tracking these all and making sure you’re learning…

The fondest memories can be made when we are in the fellowship of friends at the table.   When you invite others to a meal, something very special occurs.  If done properly, guests leave feeling satisfied and full on the inside and out.   Welcoming others in should be as effortless as breathing.   Never with judgment, rather…

A few months ago, I delivered a webinar called, “Create A Culture of Care By Building Relationships,” that was all about stretching yourselves as leaders by: Building trust Being vulnerable Sharing stories Listening more Forming deeper connections with your team and finding their passion and purpose And ensuring no one (residents or staff) ever feels…


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