
Making Change Stick – Anchor those Changes in Place by Making it Sustainable

Making Change Stick – Anchor those Changes in Place by Making it Sustainable

Now is the perfect time to check in on your progress for your 2019 goals and to review your data measures.  You’ll want to sit down with your task force to discuss progress made towards milestone goals and flag priority items for moving forward.  While not necessary every month, review your entire strategy to make sure you don’t need to make any major adjustments.  You don’t want to set yourselves up for failure so if your goals aren’t realistic now is the time to admit it before you start to go down the wrong path.

Here are a few simple questions to ask yourselves:

  • What have we achieved in the past month?
  • What obstacles have we identified? What will our plans be to overcome them?
  • Are our expectations realistic? If not, how do we adjust them?
  • What is our data telling us? What other data sets might we want to track this year? (If you haven’t started tracking yet, then this next month’s goal needs to be focused on making this happen by end of February).
  • Who is responsible for making sure we meet monthly and holding us accountable to achieving our goals?

You’ll need someone holding the task force accountable.  It can be someone on the team, it can be someone not on the team but perhaps a leader who checks in with the task force from time to time.  Of course, here are Drive, we also have consultants who can sit in or dial in to your meetings to hold you accountable as well and really ensure you’re making progress towards your goals.  Kevin McKay, President & CEO Tockwotton on the Waterfront, believes that “through constant communication with the Drive team, I can hold both myself and the team accountable today and in well into the future.  Things that once seemed too difficult to tackle on our own, are less intimidating knowing the Drive team is there to coach and guide us throughout the entire journey.”

What goals have you set for 2019? We want to hear from you!  What are the most common challenges you are facing today?  Let us know how we might be able to help.

This article was written by Drive Consultant, Allison Duda. 

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