
Happy New Year! Happy Data Tracking!

Happy New Year! Happy Data Tracking!

Happy New Year! And happy data tracking in 2019.  If you’re committed to making improvements then you must be committed to tracking your data.  Annual turnover. Early turnover. Engagement scores. Referrals.    Whatever metrics you choose be committed to following through and achieving those desired results.  I recommend tracking these all and making sure you’re learning from them.

On average employee turnover is just around 40%. A number which is incredibly too high for an industry committed to providing quality care.  We already know that residents benefit from consistent, person-directed care, where the resident and the caregivers know one another.  If turnover is high, then quite frankly you are failing your residents.

This is why more organizations are choosing to put additional dollars beyond improving employee engagement through specific retention programs designed to improve the organizational culture and decrease turnover.  However, if you’re not tracking the data how do you know if your plans are working?

One client shared with us, “There is no way that metrics can capture the feel of walking on these two units before the project and now…that is where we see the true difference!”

Truer words could not have been spoken about this particular project, and this particular administrator also happens to really understands the importance and value of being more intentional about changing a culture.  Culture in some respects is a “feeling” after all.  However, make no mistake, if you’re not actually improving the numbers, then the work is far from over.

Commit to tracking your data monthly and sitting down to review it.  If you don’t already have a task force or a committee dedicated to improving retention, you should create one.  Invite a mix of leaders and team members who are highly engaged and committed to making the organization a better place by ensuring that retention improves.  By tracking and reviewing the data monthly the committee is better equipped to hold themselves accountable and see the value in the work that they are doing.

This article was written by Drive Consultant, Allison Duda.

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