Reflect on your life and create goals that come from your soul. This is the ultimate way to reset, renew and refresh while uncovering your truths.


Culture transformations don’t happen overnight.

It takes months, sometimes even years, of hard work. Change can be intimidating, and the roots of culture run deep. To create lasting culture change in your organization, you need to be able to inspire your team to want to help change it. And that’s exactly what our expert speakers do. 

crowd participating at speaking event

Inspirational & Practical Advice

We know exactly how to inspire and motivate change in your audience. But there’s more: we also give guided, practical steps for implementing lasting change.

Interactive Presentations

Tired of stagnant presentations with one-way communication? Our speakers use engaging interactive pieces to boost audience engagement and drive key points home.

Associations, Providers, Boards

Our presentations can be tailored to fit many different groups, from large associations to small interactive board presentations.

Our Clients

Presentation Topics

Our keynotes captivate audiences by diving into dynamic topics that cultivate positive work cultures.

Avoiding burnout and adopting a values-driven way of living for the ultimate in fulfillment and joy

Leading and Living with Soul

What if I told you that I could give you a gift that would be vitally important to your career success, your personal and professional fulfillment, and your overall happiness? Would you scream, “heck yes Denise, give it to me NOW!?” Most sane people absolutely would. Well, what if I told you that gift is already inside of you, you just have to tap into it?

Turns out, that gift is your personal values. Who you are, what you hold dear, what upsets you, and what underlies your decisions as a leader and as a unique individual, are all connected to your personal values. But the missed opportunity is, most people never take the time to learn what those precious and powerful intrinsic things are! In this session you will have the opportunity to do an introspective reflection on your very own personal values by completing an online Personal Values Assessment. I will then share with you practical strategies you can implement immediately to apply these values in your daily routines, allowing you to use your values as a driving force and a personal true north star.

Following the session, you will be able to seek out the things in life that are aligned to the values you have uncovered and this my friend, is a real game changer. Soon you will use what you learn to unleash a life and career that you love, one that makes you feel healthy, fulfilled and balanced.

Presented by Denise Boudreau

Reigniting passion and purpose in exhausted team members to keep doing this important work

Tired to Inspired

You came into the aging services field wanting to make a difference in the lives of others, but after a few years you found yourself feeling more tired than inspired! That’s especially true after 2020. In this powerful presentation, you’ll discover the astonishing underlying cause of the fatigue that so often turns the most idealistic and well-intentioned team members into part of the problem. You’ll find out how doing the right thing, in every sense of the word will have the hearts of your team brimming with the love and enthusiasm that led them into aging services in the first place. You’ll take an exhilarating round trip from tired to inspired and return filled with new ideas and concepts, and a simple but amazingly effective system to raise and sustain everyone’s energy.

Presented by Denise Boudreau

Name It, Aim It, and Claim It!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The trouble started on the first day of employment! During Orientation, HR encouraged us to bring our “whole selves” to work! What were they thinking?! We obliged by showing up our talents, but also our disparate worldviews, life-histories, beliefs, and individual cultures. In theory, we should all get along for the benefit of our residents, right? Precious few organizations provide education or training that teaches how to unite around issues that divide the world outside of our buildings. Every measure of our success hinges on our ability to cherish and honor EVERY team member. DEI: Name It, Aim It, and Claim It! is your golden ticket to the worries, wounds, and countless wins of a Healthcare Executive, 20-year Chief Learning Officer, and nationally successful DEI Practitioner.

Presented by Christopher Ridenhour

During Chaos and Change!

Love, Loyalty and the Language of Leaders

This is the session for any leader who has recently considered trading in their credentials for a one-way ticket to a tropical paradise with no forwarding address. Don’t even bother searching the organization’s Policy Manual for solutions to nearly 26 months the unending mayhem of global proportions. Our titles and professional accomplishment have proven to be anemic tools against viral variants and the “Great Resignation!” Have your leadership chops “leveled up” to match the chaotic energy and dread brought by this long season of turmoil? Never before have mastering your words, emotions, and mindset meant so much, to so many. Our residents and colleagues are starving for greater connection, expressed compassion, and confident optimism. The speed of change and poor outcomes require new tools and strategies to vanquish isolation, uncertainty, and combat fatigue.

Presented by Christopher Ridenhour

Reviving, Inspiring, Engaging, Retaining!

Retention 911

Imagine the end to floor wars, cross-shift conflicts and the “churn and burn” nature of healthcare! Are you ready to do everything necessary to keep folks from rushing to the exits? Are you ready to make this the "Year of Retention?" Today, let’s declare a moratorium on uncooperative, unengaged, and uncommunicative behaviors. Haphazard nonspecific retention and engagement strategies guarantee increased abysmal morale, high accident rates, and pervasive overtime costs. The sheer impact of replacement costs alone threaten organizational survival. GREAT NEWS AHEAD! Retention 911: Reviving, Inspiring, Engaging, Retaining! dives deep into the hearts and minds of your colleagues to reveal what inspires and motivates human beings to embrace change, own problems, and take personal accountability for their part in creating a magnetic community. Our buildings deserve the peace that comes from a workplace culture defined by passion, purpose, cooperation and unprecedented levels of morale and engagement. You will walk away with countless strategies created to kick the “workforce crisis” right in the tail!

Presented by Christopher Ridenhour

Are You Ready to Lead A Workforce Revolution?

The last few years have brought us a workforce revolution. Today’s employees want their needs met in a different way than ever before in history. What we thought were the tried-and-true methods of recruiting and retaining staff are no longer effective with the modern workforce. Leaders are left frustrated as they continue to throw their precious time and resources towards slowing the seemingly endless churn of staff, and it’s getting to a breaking point. Something drastic needs to happen, and fast.

But what if senior living could lead a revolution of its own? We’ll discuss why today’s workforce is different, and give you strategies to adapt and help you regain a sense of control over your staffing challenges. The best part? The solution isn’t expensive and doesn’t require any fancy new technology. In fact, it’s already in your organization. Together, we’ll uncover how to take advantage of this new purpose-driven economy to attract and retain the best of the best in this new era of work!

Presented by Denise Boudreau


Meet your speakers


Denise Boudreau

Denise Boudreau is founder of Drive, a culture consultancy firm that optimizes recruitment and retention, exclusively for healthcare and senior living organizations.

She has over 20 years of experience working in acute care and aging services where, as a dietary aide, CNA and Administrator, she experienced many healthy and unhealthy cultures.

Denise became nicknamed “The Queen of Culture” when others started to notice that she had a bit of a vigorous addiction to it: not only did she found Drive, but she also founded the non-profit New Jersey Alliance for Culture Change (as one does) in between chairing the Marketing Committee for the National Long Term Care Administrators’ Board (NAB) and serving as an Executive in Residence at Cornell, her alma mater, where she received her Master’s in—ready for it?—Health Administration after completing a Bachelor of Science in Gerontology from the University of Scranton.

Denise has dedicated her life to being both an excellent microwaver as well as a sought out thought leader in the healthcare and senior living field—we won’t even mention the boards she serves on. In her spare time, she is proudly known as “The Servant of Tiny Tim,” as she is at the beck and call of her corgi/chihuahua mix, as well as the mother of twin boys (who as adults, are no longer allowed to beck and call her)

She lives in Key West, her superpower is finding the positive in any situation, and she’ll fight anyone for an In-N-Out Burger. Denise has also visited every state in the U.S., in case you needed one more reason to hate her. 

Download my Bio here

Culture Consultant & Speaker

Christopher Ridenhour, GFN

Little did Christopher know that a random request for an informational interview would result in his current 20-year (and counting) thrill ride in Healthcare and Aging Services. “Inspired” does not adequately describe of his profound journey. Christopher has become a champion for the organizational “wins and wows” that result from coaching teams on how to institutionalize love, courage, enthusiasm, and accountability at all levels! Without an ounce of hyperbole, he is living his best professional life and the energy is infectious.

Since 2004, Christopher’s energy and effectiveness has evolved into extensive travel as a featured Performance Improvement Keynote, Consultant, and Organizational Culture Thought-Leader. Not too shabby for a run-of-the-mill Philly guy. He considers the hundreds of national invitations to train and coach a true blessing.

So, what’s the secret sauce? He expertly combines behavioral science, principles of organizational psychology, and shared belly laughs to identify the critical staff motivations in our organizations. You can expect a mix of theatrics, storytelling, and unconventional outcome-based activities connected to business best-practices. Strap in! Christopher is the honest friend, coach, and confidante every organization needs during these times. You can expect profoundly effective training that honors the dignity, safety, sense of belonging, and teambuilding every one of us craves.


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