
There Is A Solution, Focus On Strengths!

There Is A Solution, Focus On Strengths!

What if I told you there was a magic pill that could make your organization 38% more likely to have above average productivity, 27% more likely to report higher profitability, and 50% more likely to have lower turnover?

There is no magic pill, but there is a solution.

All of the outcomes described above are a direct result of engaged employees.  Companies with the highest percentage of engagement have been found to have not only a committed workforce, but all of those greater positive results described above.

According to Gallup, “a staggering 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged at work.”

As a leader, where do you begin to try to change this eye-popping, and costly, statistic in your organization?  Of the millions of employees Gallup surveys, they have found that there is one statement that has the greatest link to engagement:

“At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.”

Almost sounds like a magic pill, doesn’t it?

Do your employees if they have the opportunity to do what they do best every day?

Consider how much time you spend:

  • Ignoring problems
  • Talking about problems with no action
  • Correcting employees
  • Repeating directions
  • Addressing failures during conversation
  • Disciplinary actions

In comparison, how much time do you spend challenging employees to focus on what they do best?  Do you really focus on strengths?

Encouraging yourself and your team to do what they do best every single day is an ongoing process of getting to know employees, their strengths/weaknesses and likes/dislikes.  It is an ongoing process of building trust and enabling employees to have freedom to challenge themselves and communicate openly.

How can you discover an individual’s strengths?

Start simple and generate small successes! Try asking employees if they have the opportunity to do what they do best.


Here are a few probing questions that will help you discover how employee strengths can increase employee engagement and benefit your organization:

  • What parts of your job are you best at?
  • What parts of your work do you enjoy the most? Least?
  • How could we make the most of your strengths?
  • What do you think you do really well?
  • What do people, at home or at work, tell you that you are good at?
  • What do you or others consider your natural gifts or talents?

For those of you too focused on correcting “weaknesses” try focusing on these positive areas instead.  When meeting with staff reinforce strong performance by describing a positive situation, the behaviors and/or actions observed and the impact of those behaviors and/or actions.

Depending on your current relationship with specific employees these questions might feel too personal.  Try sharing specific behaviors or actions related to your own strengths.   If this approach doesn’t work, work on developing the relationship first and try again!

Are you ready to maximize your team’s performance?

This article was written by staff member, Allison Duda.

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