Economist Aaron Hurst suggests that a new era is upon us, one driven by connecting people to their purpose. Where value lies in our ability to contribute to something greater than ourselves, to grow as individuals, and to build community.
My friend, we are witnessing the birth of the Purpose-driven economy.
And my, oh my, THIS. IS. YOUR. TIME.
The shift from an Information economy to a Purpose economy has senior living, and YOU, on the cusp of something magical.
In just a few years, Millennials will make up 75% of the workforce. And they have a new standard for work. It is about meaning. It is about impact. (And the workplace has got to feel good, or they are out.)
Hurst conducted global studies and concluded that in the US, 40% of workers are primarily purpose-oriented, meaning purpose is the primary reason for choosing where they want to work.
That puts senior living center stage for a whole lot of people.
The right place, the right time.
So, why aren’t people banging down your door for a job?
YOU have to help them make the connection.
You have to tell your stories. Loud and proud.
Shout it from the rooftops… okay, maybe websites and social media would be more effective, but you get me, right?
A few weeks ago, my team conducted focus groups at our client, Job Haines Home in New Jersey, and these are some actual quotes from employees:
- “I’ve never loved a job so much.”
- “You feel like you’re making a difference with residents.”
- “I get more joy out of this place than I’ve gotten anywhere else.”
- “Residents become like your family.”
Help people see the meaning behind working at your organization.
This makes me think of the old story about the three bricklayers who were hard at work.
When asked what they were doing, the first bricklayer says, “I’m just putting one brick on top of another brick.” The second bricklayer says, “I’m making six pence an hour.” But the third bricklayer responds, “I’m building a cathedral—a house of God.”
Each of those bricklayers is working for a reason, but only the third has made the connection to meaningfulness. That third bricklayer understands the bigger “why”, the purpose, and his contribution to that purpose.
It’s up to you to see the bigger why and to help those around you see it too.
How to make the most of this pivotal time.
Job Haines Home has arrived at this Purpose-driven economy in an enviable position.
They were founded 125 years ago by Frank Haines with a desire to honor his father and a heartfelt purpose—to make a difference for the people in their community.
In the many years that followed, Job Haines Home has continued to pull through on that purpose in a successful and meaningful way, and in the process they have managed to be a bit of an oxymoron—old fashioned and totally innovative.
You see, Job Haines is constantly focused on their culture, and leveraging the best parts of your culture is the oldest trick in the book when it comes to appealing to those looking for work. But what’s old is new again! And, in this Purpose economy, investing in and being driven by a phenomenal culture is the most innovative thing you can do.
Prioritize what is important to you, align your leadership and everything you collectively do with your values, and you too will arrive at the right place at the right time. Build a great culture and they will come.
We can help you create and maintain a standout workplace culture, one that attracts and retains the very best people. Drop us a line to learn about our proven workforce solution at [email protected].