It’s National Nursing Assistants’ Week. Across the country people are giving out t-shirts, pens, button and unfortunately, lots of meaningless praise.
“The nursing assistants are the most important people in the facility.”
I hear that statement all the time, and it makes me cringe, because usually the person uttering it is doing little about it. I won’t even get into the fact that it insults all the other team members working in the community!
You can tell the nursing assistants, or any other staff for that matter, that they are extremely important to the organization.
But, if you really want them to BELIEVE it, you have to support your words with actions.
Many non-supervisory staff members have shared with me their frustration with meaningless reward and recognition programs. They have also shared with me what truly matters to them.
- Ask them what they would do if THEY were the Administrator or CEO.
- Practice active listening when they reply.
- Thank them for their input.
- ACT on their feedback or explain why you cannot.
- Try extremely hard to say “yes” and do what is possible rather than looking for reasons to say “no” to the suggestions made.
- Repeat!
Save your t-shirt and pen and give staff something they really want….TO BE HEARD!
What are you doing to show your team your appreciation?